As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, there is no publicly available information about Alice Zenobia Richmond. It’s possible that Alice Zenobia Richmond may be a private individual or someone who has not gained widespread recognition or media attention up until that point.
If Alice Zenobia Richmond has become notable or gained public recognition after my last update, I wouldn’t have information on that. To learn more about Alice Zenobia Richmond’s bio, achievements, and contributions, I recommend conducting a search on recent news articles, social media platforms, or reputable websites that may have more current information. Always ensure that you verify the credibility of the sources you consult.
- Real Name: Alice Zenobia Richmond
- Famous As: Tina Fey’s daughter
- Date of Birth: 10 September 2005
- Birthplace: Pennsylvania, United States
- Nationality: American
- Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Body Stats:
- Height: 4 feet 5 inch (134.62 cm)
- Weight: 48 kg (105.822 lbs)
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Black
- Father: Jeff Richmond
- Mother: Tina Fey
- Grandparents:Zenobia Xenakes, Donald Fey, Wayne Richmond
- Siblings: Penelope Athena Richmond
- Uncle: Peter Fey